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Alyssa Witting

Associate Professor
School of Family Life, Family Life, Dean's Office

258 TLRB - Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602


Alyssa Banford Witting joined the Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) faculty at BYU in 2017. Before coming to BYU, Alyssa was an Associate Professor in the Couple and Family Therapy program at Alliant International University, San Diego since the fall of 2013. She obtained her master’s in MFT from Auburn University in 2009 and her PhD in MFT from Texas Tech University in 2011. She then completed a one year post-doctoral fellowship in MFT followed by a one year appointment as a visiting assistant professor of MFT, both at the University of Connecticut.

Research Interests

My research interest broadly encompasses processes and resources which sustain trauma symptoms as well as aid rehabilitation in trauma affected populations. I tend to utilize stress and resource theories as my foundational lens in examining these issues.

My emphasis of topical interest is in mass trauma events. Specifically, I am interested in the relational, contextual, and socio-cultural issues which influence trauma symptoms and recovery in individuals, families, and communities affected by natural disaster. I have conducted research in Sri Lanka and the US with disaster and war affected populations.

Teaching Interests

Alyssa enjoys clinical supervision, teaching student therapists to work with clients experiencing trauma symptoms. She also enjoys teaching MFT theory and technique, research methods, statistics, and cross cultural family development.


  • PhD, MFT , Texas Tech University (2011)
  • MS, MFT , Auburn University (2009)
  • BS, Marriage, Family & Human Development , BYU (2007)

Licenses and Certifications

  • Utah Division of Occupational Licensing , Marriage and Family Therapy License (2014 - 2024)
  • American Association for Marriage and Family Therapists, AAMFT Approved Supervisor (2012 - 2023)


  • American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (2007 - Present)
  • National Council on Family Relations (2007 - Present)
  • Society for Prevention Research (2017 - 2018)
  • American Psychological Association, Division 56, Trauma Psychology (2013 - 2016)

Professional Citizenship

  • Editorial Review Board Member, Contemporary Family Therapy (2020 - Present)
  • Editorial Review Board Member, Journal of Marital and Family Therapy (2017 - Present)
  • Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy (2015 - Present)
  • Committee/Council Chair, NCFR Family Therapy Section (2022 - 2028)
  • Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Contemporary Family Therapy (2012 - 2019)
  • Other, Contemporary Family Therapy (2017 - 2018)
  • Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Marital and Family Therapy (2012 - 2016)
  • Conference-Related Role, International Violence Abuse and Trauma summit

Courses Taught


Angela Beesley Bradford Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Shayne R Anderson Lee N Johnson Quintin Alexander Hunt Richard B Miller Roy A Bean Emma Allen Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Betsy Barrow Jason Brown Whiting Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Shayne R Anderson Lee N. Johnson Betsy Hughes Barrow Allie Peery Angela Beesley Bradford Lee N Johnson Shayne R Anderson Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Quintin Alexander Hunt Richard B Miller Roy A Bean Shayne R Anderson Lee N Johnson Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Richard B Miller Angela Beesley Bradford Quintin Alexander Hunt Roy A Bean Min Xu Lee N Johnson Shayne R Anderson Quintin A Hunt Angela B Bradford Alyssa Banford Witting Roy A Bean Richard B Miller Angela Beesley Bradford Lee N Johnson Shayne R Anderson Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Quintin Alexander Hunt Richard B Miller Roy A Bean Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Lacey Bagley Quintin Alexander Hunt Lee N Johnson Dean M Busby Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Dean M Busby Emma Allen Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Dean M Busby Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Rachel Tambling Stevan Hobfoll Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Dean M M Busby S. Rellaford Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Dean M Busby Jessica Lambert Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Cameron Hee Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Jonathan G Sandberg David C Dollahite Loren D Marks Alyssa Banford Witting Ashley B LeBaron Kaity P Pearl Young Joe M Chelladurai Alyssa Jane Banford Jane Witting Lacey Bagley Katrina Nelson Takoma Lindsay Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Lacey Bagley Kylee Marshall Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Jonathan G Sandberg Roy A Bean Alyssa Jane Banford Witting J. (none) Lambert Betsy H. Barrow Jason Brown Whiting R. (none) Hartshorn Loren Dean Marks T. (none) Wickrama S. (none) Thanigaseelan Elizabeth Wieling Damir Utrzan Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Desiree Seponski David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Ashley B. LeBaron Kaity P. Young Joe M. Chelladurai Shayne R Anderson Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Rachel R Tambling Scott A Ketring Lee N Johnson Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Jessica Lambert Lee N Johnson Carly Goodkin Thulitha Wickrama Matt Brown Jason Brown Whiting Emily Fessler Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Jake Jensen Matthew D. Brown Jason Brown Whiting Emily K. Fessler Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Jacob Jensen Jamie Banker Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Jakob Jensen Jason Brown Whiting Rachael Dansby Olufowote Jaclyn Cravens-Pickens Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Noah Hass-Cohen Rebecca Bokoch Joanna Findley Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Jeehee Sung Nicolle Mayo Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Gunnur Karakurt Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Katherine Whiting Tania Hormozi Marianne Miller Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Dean M Busby Jessica Lambert Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Spencer L James Lackmal Ponnamperuma Thulitha Wickrama Joseph Grady Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Angela Kim Sean Davis Jessica Lambert Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Shayne R Anderson L Ponnamperuma Talitha Wickrama Thulitha Wickrama KAS Wickrama Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Jessica Lambert Jessica Lambert Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Lakmal Ponnamperuma Thulitha Wickrama Jenna Temple Marianne McInnes Miller Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Angela B Kim Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Jessica Lambert Thulitha Wickrama Alyssa Banford Witting Jakob Jensen Matthew Brown Alyssa Jane Banford Witting David Ivey Thulitha Wickrama Judith Fischer Anne Prouty Douglas Smith Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Jessica Lambert Thulitha Wickrama Sivaguru Thanigaseelan Michael Merten Alyssa Banford Witting Jessica Lambert Thulitha Wickrama Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Cameron Kiely-Froude Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Thulitha Wickrama Scott Ketring Gunnur Karakurt Amber Anderson Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Shannon Dial Hannah Korkow F. Rable F. Doslovich Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Rachel Tambling Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Matt Brown Scott A. Ketring Ty Mansfield Gunnur Karakurt Shannon Dial Hannah Korkow Ty Mansfield Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Matt Brown Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Ty Mansfield Douglas Smith Jason Whiting Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Thulitha Wickrama Matt Brown Scott Ketring