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Ashley LeBaron Black

Assistant Professor
Family Life

2065 JFSB - Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602


Dr. Ashley LeBaron-Black is an Assistant Professor of Family Life at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. She received her PhD in Family Studies and Human Development from the University of Arizona. Her research focus is family finance, including couple finance and financial socialization. Ashley has published 33 peer-reviewed articles and is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Family and Economic Issues. She is Chair of the Family Financial Wellbeing focus group for the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR).

Research Interests

My research focus is family finance, including (a) how financial attitudes and behaviors, communication, and partners' perceptions of each other predict relationship outcomes, and the role of gender and power in these associations, and (b) how family financial socialization during childhood and adolescence predicts financial, relational, and mental health outcomes in emerging adulthood.

Teaching Interests

SFL 336: Family Theories
MFHD 514: Theories of Human Development and Family Science
SFL 260: Family Finance

Courses Taught


Xiaomin Li Melissa A Curran Joyce Serido Ashley B LeBaron-Black Soyeon Shim Nan Zhou Ashley B LeBaron-Black Melissa A Curran E Jeffrey Hill Margaret E Freeh Russell B Toomey Katherine E Speirs Heather Howell Kelley Y. Lee Ashley Brooks LeBaron Black David C Dollahite Spencer L James Loren Dean Marks T. Hall Xiaomin Li Melissa A Curran Ashley B LeBaron-Black Jeremy B Yorgason Bryce Jorgensen Melissa J Wilmarth Heather H Kelley Ashley B LeBaron E Jeffrey Hill Melissa A Curran Xiaomin Li Melissa Barnett Olena Kopystynska Alexa Chandler Ashley B LeBaron Ashley B LeBaron Heather H Kelley Matthew T Saxey Ashley B LeBaron-Black Ashley B. LeBaron-Black Matthew T Saxey Toby M Driggs Melissa A Curran Christoffer L Loderup Joshua E Timmons Elisabeth R Kimball E Jeffrey Hill Loren D Marks Ashley B LeBaron Melissa A Curran Ashley B LeBaron-Black Xiaomin Li Casey Totenhagen Heather H Kelley Ashley B LeBaron-Black E Jeffrey Hill Diana Meter Ashley B LeBaron Loren D Marks Christina M Rosa E Jeffrey Hill Ashley B LeBaron Melissa A Curran Xiaomin Li Jeffrey P Dew Trevor K Sharp Melissa A Barnett David C Dollahite Loren D Marks Alyssa Banford Witting Ashley B LeBaron Kaity P Pearl Young Joe M Chelladurai Ashley B LeBaron Ashley B LeBaron Erin K Holmes Bryce L Jorgensen Roy A Bean Xiaomin Li Melissa A Curran Ashley B LeBaron Joyce Serido Soyeon Shim Joyce Serido Ashley B LeBaron Lijun Li Emily Parrott Soyeon Shim Ashley B LeBaron E Jeffrey Hill Ashley B LeBaron Ashley B LeBaron Ashley B LeBaron Erin K Holmes Jeremy B Yorgason E Jeffrey Hill David B Allsop Ashley B LeBaron Heather H Kelley E Jeffrey Hill Quinn Galbraith E Jeffrey Hill Ashley Bryce Christoffer L Loderup Jessica L Brown-Hamlett Ashley B LeBaron David B Allsop Ashley B LeBaron Samuel Runyan Bryce L Jorgensen Loren D Marks Xiaohui Li E Jeffrey Hill Ashley B LeBaron Loren D Marks Christina M Rosa Ashley B LeBaron-Black E Jeffrey Hill Heather H Kelley Ashley B LeBaron David C Dollahite Loren D Marks Jeffrey P Dew Ashley B LeBaron David B Allsop Heather H Ashley B LeBaron E Jeffrey Hill Ashley B LeBaron Ashley B LeBaron E Jeffrey Hill Christina M Rosa Travis J Spencer Loren D Marks Joshua T Powell Ashley B LeBaron Heather H Kelley Jason S Carroll Christina M Rosa Loren D Marks Ashley B LeBaron E Jeffrey Hill Heather H Kelley Ashley B LeBaron Lance J Sussman Jay Fagan David C Dollahite Loren D Marks Ashley B LeBaron Christina M Rosa L Ashley Mork E Jeffrey Hill Loren D Marks Ashley B LeBaron E Jeffrey Hill Christina M Rosa Loren D Marks Bryce L Jorgensen Ashley B LeBaron Ashley B LeBaron E Jeffrey Hill David B Allsop Ashley B LeBaron Roy A Bean Ashley B LeBaron David B Allsop E Jeffrey Hill Brian J Willoughby Sonya L. Britt-Lutter Christina M Rosa Loren D Marks Ashley B LeBaron E Jeffrey Hill Ashley B LeBaron Melanie Lott Jessica Remington Mark Butler Sonya L Britt E Jeffrey Hill Ashley B LeBaron Derek R Lawson Roy A Bean Ashley B LeBaron Christina M Rosa Carly Schmutz Alex K Gunnerson Nick A Jones Travis J Spencer Jarna N Knickerbocker E Jeffrey Hill Ashley B LeBaron Ashley B LeBaron Ashley B LeBaron Christina M Rosa L Ashley Mork Ashley B LeBaron Ashley B LeBaron Ashley B LeBaron Ashley B LeBaron