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Erin Holmes

Director, School of Family Lif
School of Family Life, Family Life, Dean's Office

2086B JFSB - Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602

Research Interests

I am interested in a systemic ecological orientation to the study of families, particularly the study of fathers and mothers. I also study how contexts outside of family (e.g. interventions, employment, etc.) impact family processes.

Honors and Awards

  • SFL Excellence Award, School of Family Life (2021 - Present)
  • Faculty Women's Association Teaching Award, Faculty Women's Association (2020 - Present)
  • Marjorie Pay Hinckley Endowed Associate Professor Award, College of Family Home and Social Sciences (2020 - Present)
  • NCFR Best Family Financial Wellbeing Student Paper Award, National Council on Family Relations (2020 - Present)
  • SFL Outstanding Service Award, School of Family Life (2020 - Present)
  • SFL Student Mentoring Award, School of Family Life (2018 - 2018)
  • Finalist NCFR Best Article about Men in Families , National Council on Family Relations (2015 - 2015)
  • SFL Teaching Award, School of Family Life (2015 - 2015)
  • Most Influential Professor in the School of Family Life, School of Family Life Student Association (2014 - 2014)
  • Finalist 2013 Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research, Jointly Sponsored by the Center for Families at Purdue University and the Boston College Center for Work & Family (2013 - 2013)
  • Finalist NCFR Best Article about Men in Families by a New Professional, National Council on Family Relations (2011 - 2011)
  • NCFR Men-in-Families Best Research Article by a New Professional, National Council on Family Relations (2011 - 2011)
  • Mary Ellen Durrett Endowed Scholarship in Child Development, The University of Texas at Austin (2005 - 2006)
  • University Continuing Fellowship, The University of Texas at Austin (2004 - 2005)
  • Amy Rextrew Award for Outstanding Graduate Student, College of Human Services, Education, and Public Policy, University of Delaware (2001 - 2001)

Administrative Assignments

  • School of Family Life: Director (2021 - Present)
  • School of Family Life: Associate Director (2015 - 2018)

Courses Taught


Spencer L. James Jeremy B. Yorgason Erin K. Holmes D. J. Johnson Dean M Busby Clare Thomas Erin Kramer Holmes Kevin M Shafer Jeremy B Yorgason Braquel R Egginton Erin K Holmes Spencer L James Alan J Hawkins Erin Kramer Holmes Jocelyn Wikle Clare R. Thomas McKell Jorgensen-Wells Braquel R. Egginton Aliceann Crandall Nomi Weiss-Laxer Eliza Broadbent Erin Kramer Holmes Brianna Michele Magnusson Lauren Okano Berge Jerica Michael D Barnes Carl L Hanson Blake Lee Jones Maria Lelinneth Lagman Beloy Novilla Aliceann Crandall Nomi Weiss-Laxer Erin Broadbent Erin Kramer Holmes Brianna Michele Magnusson Lynn Okano Jerica Berge Michael D Barnes Carl L Hanson Blake Lee Jones Maria Lelinneth Lagman Beloy Novilla Matthew M Saxey Erin Kramer Holmes Alan J Hawkins Erin Kramer Holmes Claire Thomas Braquel M Egginton Virginia Leiter SFL J Card Erin Kramer Holmes Braquel M Egginton Alan J Hawkins Nathan Robbins Kevin M Shafer Thomas Jack Esplin White Stephen Farr Duncan Jeremy B Yorgason Spencer L James Erin Kramer Holmes Ashley B LeBaron Erin K Holmes Jeremy B Yorgason E Jeffrey Hill David B Allsop Erin Kramer Holmes Braquel M Egginton Alan J Hawkins Nathan N Kevin M Shafer Scott Behson Erin Kramer Holmes Edward Jeffrey Hill Nathan L Robbins Erin Kramer Holmes Hayley M Holladay Edward Jeffrey Hill Jeremy B Yorgason Kevin M Shafer Todd M Jensen Erin Kramer Holmes Todd M Jensen Kevin M Shafer Erin Kramer Holmes Tamara A Fackrell Adam M. Galovan Edward Jeffrey Hill Erin Kramer Holmes Erin Kramer Holmes Ted L Huston Anita Vangelisti Trey Guinn Erin Kramer Holmes Jenet Jacob Erickson Edward Jeffrey Hill Erin Kramer Holmes Adam Galovan Keitaro Yoshida Alan J Hawkins Edward Jeffrey Hill Jenet Jacob Erickson Erin Kramer Holmes Maria Ferris


Ashley B. LeBaron Erin Kramer Holmes Edward Jeffrey Hill Roy A Bean
Kaylene J Fellows Edward Jeffrey Hill Dean M Busby Erin Kramer Holmes
Giuseppe Martinengo Edward Jeffrey Hill Blake L Jones Erin K Holmes
Guiseppe Martinengo Blake Jones Edward Jeffrey Hill Erin Kramer Holmes