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Grant Madsen

Associate Professor
History, History

2145 JFSB - Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602


I was born and raised in Salt Lake City, Utah, before attending BYU for my undergraduate degree. After graduating from BYU I completed an MA in literature and literary theory at the University of Virginia, after which I worked in Washington, DC, for several years. I then returned to the academy to attend the University of Chicago, this time in History, where I completed my degree in 2011 and joined the faculty at BYU.

Research Interests

My research focuses on American political institutions both inside and outside the United States. I research political economy in the broad sense that the term used to have that included philosophical and moral questions along with economic reasoning.

Teaching Interests

My teaching interests include US Intellectual, Political and Economic History as well as America in the World. In my teaching I try to show the broad arc of particular ideas that have animated American History during the 20th century, such as broad shifts in what Americans think of virtue, personal freedom, American identity and America’s role in global politics.


  • PhD, 20th Century US History , University of Chicago (2011)
  • MA, Literature and Literary Theory , Philosophy, University of Virginia (1995)
  • BA, English , German, Brigham Young University (1992)

Honors and Awards

  • Outstanding Teacher Award, BYU History Department (2014 - 2015)


  • Society for US Intellectual History (2018 - Present)
  • History of Economics Society (2017 - Present)
  • Sociey for Historians of American Foreign Relations (2017 - Present)
  • Organization of American Historians (2015 - Present)
  • American Historical Association (2009 - Present)

Professional Citizenship

  • Editorial Review Board Member, Journal of Politicy History (2024 - Present)
  • Board Member, Medical Licensing Board, Commerce Department, State of Utah (2024 - Present)
  • Editor, Associate Editor, H-Net Commons (2020 - Present)
  • Other, BYU Radio (2014 - Present)
  • Grant Proposal Reviewer, External, National Endowment of the Humanities (2020 - 2020)
  • Committee/Council Member, Journal of Policy History-Policy History Conference (2020) (2018 - 2020)
  • Member, American Historical Association (Pacific Coast Branch) (2017 - 2017)
  • Member, History of Economics Society (2017 - 2017)
  • Member, Informal Economy Summit (2017 - 2017)
  • Member, Policy History (2016 - 2016)
  • Other, Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (2014 - 2014)
  • Other, Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (2013 - 2013)
  • Media Interview, BYU Radio (2013 - 2013)

Courses Taught


Grant C Madsen Grant C Madsen Joseph Corey Grant C Madsen Grant C Madsen Grant C Madsen Grant C Madsen Grant C Madsen Grant C Madsen Grant C Madsen Grant C Madsen Grant C Madsen Grant C Madsen Grant C Madsen Jeffrey S Bednar Paul Charles Godfrey Grant C Madsen Grant C Madsen


Grant C Madsen
Grant Madsen Robert Joshua Reynolds Joshua Gladwell Maren Maxfield Joseph Corey Sonny George
Grant C Madsen
Grant C Madsen
Grant C Madsen Phillip Magness
Grant C Madsen
Grant C Madsen
Grant C Madsen
Grant C Madsen
Grant C Madsen
Grant C Madsen
Grant C Madsen