Born and raised in Hawaii, Dr. Shumway received his Ph.D. in Latin American History from the University of Arizona. He and his family live in Provo, Utah
Research Interests
Argentina in the nineteenth century; early nation building; gender and culture in the early national era.Teaching Interests
Modern Latin American history; Argentine history; World historyHonors and Awards
- Member of the Argentine National Academy of History, La Academia Nacional de Historia, Argentina (2019 - Present)
- Crevenna-Sadler Service Award-2016, Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies (2016 - 2017)
- American Historical Association (1999 - Present)
- Conference on Latin American History (1999 - Present)
- Latin American Studies Program (1999 - Present)
Professional Citizenship
- Committee/Council Member, Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies (2014 - Present)
- Editor, Associate Editor, Wiley-Blackwell History Compass (2009 - Present)
- Officer (specify in Other), Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies (2016 - 2017)
- Officer (specify in Other), Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies (2011 - 2012)