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Joel Selway

Associate Professor
Political Science, Political Science

792 KMBL - Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602


Selway joined the BYU faculty in 2009 after completing his Ph.D. at the University of Michigan.

Research Interests

Selway's research, broadly, addresses the politics of ethnicity and nationalism. He is especially concerned about how to bridge divides in ethnically-divided societies and has analyzed outcomes as diverse as civil war, riots, economic growth and public goods provision. Selway's contributions to these questions have explored the design of democratic political institutions, the role of national identities, and the macro structure of social identities. His research has a heavy focus on Southeast, and he has written on Thailand, Myanmar (Burma), Indonesia, Malaysia, and Laos, as well as comparative studies on the entire region. Selway has also produced cross-national studies and has works in progress on Britain. He incorporates multiple methods in his work, including field research (interviews, ethnography), macro historical, archival, content analysis, statistical analysis, public opinion surveys, and field and survey experiments.

Selway's first book on the politics of healthcare in the developing world was published with Cambridge University Press. He has an edited volume (with Amy Liu) on regional identities in Southeast Asia under contract with the University of Michigan Press. His second solo-authored book is scheduled to be completed this summer. It examines the emergence of regional movements in Thailand and the development of nationalism in Thailand's periphery.

His work has appeared in numerous top political science journals, including World Politics, Political Analysis, Comparative Political Studies, British Journal of Political Science, and Journal of Conflict Resolution, among others. In addition, he has published in top area studies journals, including the Journal of Asian Studies, Journal of East Asian Studies, Asian Survey, etc.

If you are searching for the CIMMSS (Crosscutting Cleavages) dataset, please visit the author's personal website.

Teaching Interests

Selway teaches regional classes on the politics of Southeast Asia and Britain (his home country). He also teaches topical classes on the design of political institutions and ethnicity & nationalism. Selway also teaches the department's qualitative methods class.

Courses Taught


Joel Sawat Selway Brian Min Allen Hicken David Backer Ken Kollman Eugenio Arima Joel Sawat Selway Joel Sawat Selway Joel Sawat Selway Joel Sawat Selway Joel Sawat Selway John Draper Joel Sawat Selway Raymond Vern Christensen Joel Sawat Selway Joel Sawat Selway Kharis Templeman Joshua R Gubler Joel Sawat Selway Joel Sawat Selway Joel Sawat Selway Joel Sawat Selway


Joel Sawat Selway Daniel L Nielson Michael G Findley Allen D Hicken
Joel Sawat Selway