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Lee Johnson

School of Family Life, Family Life

234 TLRB - Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602


I grew up in Salt Lake City, UT and graduated from BYU with a BS in Family Science. I earned my M.S. degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from Utah State University and a Ph.D. from Kansas State University. Since graduation I have worked at Friends University, University of Georgia and now BYU.

Research Interests

Research interests focus emotional regulation and couple and family relationships in clinical settings with a specific focus on the relationship between physical exercise, improved sleep, and reduced stress on in therapy processes and outcomes; I also focus on daily processes in client's lives and the role of anxiety and trauma in relationships.

Teaching Interests

Research Methods
Marriage and Family Therapy
Marriage and Family Relational Processes


  • Ph.D., Family Studies and Human Services , Marriage and Family therapy, Kansas State University (1998)
  • Master of Science, Family and Human Development , Marriage and Family Therapy, Utah State University (1996)
  • Bachelor of Science, Family Science , Brigham Young University (1993)

Licenses and Certifications

  • State of Utah, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (2014 - Present)
  • American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, Approved Supervisor (1999 - Present)

Honors and Awards

  • Legacy Scholar, National Council on Family Relations (2022 - 2022)
  • Best Article of the Year: Honorable Mention, Journal of Marital and Family Therapy (2017 - 2017)
  • Teaching Innovation Award, School of Family Life, Brigham Young University (2017 - 2017)


  • Society for Psychotherapy Research (2018 - Present)
  • American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (1997 - Present)

Professional Citizenship

  • Guest Speaker, Beijing Normal University (Public Scholarship) (2023 - Present)
  • Guest Speaker, Beijing Normal University (Public Scholarship) (2023 - Present)
  • Guest Speaker, Seoul National University (Public Scholarship) (2023 - Present)
  • Guest Speaker, Antioch University (Public Scholarship) (2023 - Present)
  • Guest Speaker, Fairfield University (Public Scholarship) (2023 - Present)
  • Guest Speaker, Uruguayan Association of Psychotherapy Psychoanalytic (Public Scholarship) (2023 - Present)
  • Guest Speaker, Pontifícia Universidade Católica (Public Scholarship) (2023 - Present)
  • Guest Speaker, Semana Acadêmica do Curso de Psicologia, Universidade Federal do Paraná (Public Scholarship) (2023 - Present)
  • Guest Speaker, Marquette University (Public Scholarship (2023 - Present)
  • Guest Speaker, Marquette University (Public Scholarship) (2023 - Present)
  • Guest Speaker, Areopagus Centre (Public Scholarship) (2022 - Present)
  • Board Member, European Journal of Mental Health (2022 - Present)
  • Guest Speaker, Semelweis University (Public Scholarship) (2022 - Present)
  • Guest Speaker, Deokseong Women's University (Public Scholarship) (2022 - Present)
  • Guest Speaker, Silla University (Public Scholarship) (2022 - Present)
  • Guest Speaker, Dobong Family Center (Public Scholarship) (2022 - Present)
  • Guest Speaker, Jeju Family Center (Public Scholarship) (2022 - Present)
  • Editorial Review Board Member, Asian Journal of Family Therapy (2017 - Present)
  • Editorial Review Board Member, Journal of Marital and Family Therapy (2004 - 2023)
  • Committee/Council Member, Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education (2020 - 2022)
  • Other, Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education (2008 - 2017)
  • Editorial Review Board Member, Contemporary Family Therapy (2003 - 2016)

Courses Taught


Min Xu Lee N Johnson Shayne R Anderson Quintin A Hunt Angela B Bradford Alyssa Banford Witting Roy A Bean Richard B Miller Angela Beesley Bradford Lee N Johnson Shayne R Anderson Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Quintin Alexander Hunt Richard B Miller Roy A Bean Yudum Soylemez Selenga Gurmen Lee N Johnson Eddie Orlowski Micki Friedlander Lee N Johnson Shayne R Anderson Kayla Dawn Mennenga Rachel R Tambling Lee N Johnson Shayne R Anderson Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Lacey Bagley Quintin Alexander Hunt Lee N Johnson Dean M Busby Min Xu Lee N Johnson Sarah Marie Coyne Edward W Orlowski Friedlander L Micki Shayne R Anderson Lee N Johnson Richard B Miller Cara Nebeker-Adams Shayne R Anderson Angela Beesley Bradford Lee N Johnson Angela Beesley Bradford Lee N Johnson Shayne R Anderson Lee N Johnson Richard B Miller Connor C Barham Rachel R Tambling Lee N Johnson Shayne R Anderson Kayla Dawn Mennenga Megan Oka Sam Ryland Lee N Johnson Julia Bernards Kwin L Willis Richard B Miller Shayne R Anderson Angela Beesley Bradford Lee N Johnson Jeremy B Yorgason Lee N Johnson Scott A Baldwin Lee N Johnson Brian Baucom Laura Evans Jason Brown Whiting Shayne R Anderson Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Rachel R Tambling Scott A Ketring Lee N Johnson Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Jessica Lambert Lee N Johnson Carly Goodkin Thulitha Wickrama Angela Beesley Bradford Lauren Drean Jonathan G Sandberg Lee N Johnson Lee N Johnson Bailey Selland Kayla D Mennenga Megan Oka Rachel B Tambling Shayne R Anderson Jeremy B Yorgason Lee N Johnson Melanie S. Hill Bailey Selland Rachel Tambling Lee N Johnson Lee N Johnson Ketring A Scott Jennifer Espino Andrea M Parady Shayne R Anderson Angela Beesley Bradford Lee N Johnson Lee N Johnson Kayla D. Mennenga Megan Oka Rachel B. Tambling Shayne R Anderson Jeremy B Yorgason Lee N Johnson Bailey Selland Kayla D. Mennenga Megan Oka Tambling B. Rachel Shayne R Anderson Richard B Miller Angela Beesley Bradford Kayla L. Burningham Jonathan G Sandberg Lee N Johnson Lee N Johnson Richard B Miller Angela Beesley Bradford Shayne R Anderson Pei-Fen Li Lee N Johnson Lee N Johnson Rachel B. Tambling Kayla D Mennenga Scott A. Ketring Megan Oka Shayne R Anderson Scott C Huff Richard B Miller Lisa Zak-Hunter Lee N Johnson Lee N Johnson Rachel B Tambling Shayne R Anderson Lee N Johnson Rachel B Tambling Shayne R Anderson Shayne R Anderson Rachel B Tambling Scott C Huff J Heafner Lee N Johnson Scott A Ketring Richard B Miller Lee N Johnson Lee N Johnson Richard B Miller Smith W Craig K Maxwell Lee N Johnson Jeremy B Yorgason Lee N Johnson Nathan R Hardy Lee N Johnson Richard B Miller Kayla D. Mennenga Lee N Johnson Lee N Johnson James M Harper Jennifer Hodgson Lee N Johnson Scott A. Ketring Shayne R. Anderson


Lee N Johnson
Lee N Johnson
Angela Beesley Bradford Lee N Johnson Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Shayne R Anderson
Shayne R Anderson Abbie Charlesworth Lee N Johnson
SueYeon Li Lee N Johnson Quintin Alexander Hunt
Lee N Johnson Richard B Miller Quintin Alexander Hunt Min Xu SueYeon Li Taffey Kwok Shayne R Anderson
Emma E. Allen Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Lee N Johnson
Lee N Johnson Shayne R Anderson
Min Xu Lee N Johnson
Lee N Johnson Shayne R Anderson Eloise Ribeiro
Lee N Johnson Shayne R Anderson
Anna Carr Lee N Johnson Shayne R Anderson
Eddie Orlowski Mikki Friedlander Shayne R Anderson Lee N Johnson
Lee N Johnson Shayne R Anderson
Angela Beesley Bradford Lee N Johnson Shayne R Anderson Alyssa Jane Banford Witting
Lee N Johnson Min Xu
Kaelie Wagner Lee N Johnson
Min Xu Lee N Johnson
Min Xu Lee N Johnson
Lee N Johnson
SueYeon Lee Lee N Johnson
Shayne R Anderson Lee N Johnson
Edmund K Orlowski Micki L Lee N Johnson Shayne R Anderson
Myrna Friedlander Lee N Johnson Edward Orlowski Shayne R Anderson
Edmond Orlowski Lee N Johnson Shayne R Anderson Myrna Friedlander
Shayne R Anderson Lee N Johnson
AnnaLisa W Carr Lee N Johnson
Rachel R Tambling Lee N Johnson Shayne R Anderson Kayla Dawn Mennenga
Angela Beesley Bradford Lee N Johnson William J Dyer
Lee N Johnson Angela Beesley Bradford
Anna Carr Lee N Johnson Shayne R Anderson
Shayne R Anderson Lee N Johnson
Julia C. Bernards Angela Beesley Bradford Lee N Johnson
Lee N Johnson Shayne R Anderson
Lee N Johnson
Lee N Johnson Shayne R Anderson
Lee N Johnson Shayne R Anderson
Lee N Johnson
Julia C. Bernards Angela Beesley Bradford Lee N Johnson
Li Ping Su-Kubricht Richard B Miller Lee N Johnson Angela Beesley Bradford Roy A Bean
Shayne R Anderson Lee N Johnson
Lee N Johnson Angela Beesley Bradford Christina Rosa Holyoak AnnaLisa Carr Shayne R Anderson
AnnaLisa Carr Christina Rosa Lee N Johnson Norm Epstein
Sami Simpson Lee N Johnson Shayne R Anderson Sam Ryland Emily Stephens
Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Shayne R Anderson Lee N Johnson Scott Ketring Rachel Tambling
Samantha K.J. Simpson Lee N Johnson
A. G. Werner Angela Beesley Bradford Lee N Johnson
AnnaLisa Carr Lee N Johnson
Samuel D Ryland Lee N Johnson
Christina Rosa Lee N Johnson
Lee N Johnson Samuel D Ryland Richard B Miller
Douglas C Brennlin Lee N Johnson R Zhao T. Liu
Lee N Johnson Richard B Miller
Emily K Stephens Lee N Johnson
Samantha K.J. Simpson Lee N Johnson
Angela Beesley Bradford Lee N Johnson C. N. Adams A. G. Werner
Lee N Johnson
Lee N Johnson
Lee N Johnson
Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Jessica Lambert Lee N Johnson Carly Goodkin Thulitha Wickrama
Lee N Johnson Richard B Miller Angela Beesley Bradford Shayne R Anderson
Cara Nebeker-Adams Szu-Yu Lin Richard B Miller Lee N Johnson
Jennifer N. Espino Lee N Johnson Scott A. Ketring Samantha Simpson Stephens Emily
Laura Evans Angela Beesley Bradford Lee N Johnson Richard B Miller
Angela Beesley Bradford Lee N Johnson Shayne R Anderson Julia Bernards
Emily Stephens Lee N Johnson Shayne R Anderson
Jennifer Espino Lee N Johnson
Samantha Simpson Lee N Johnson Angela Beesley Bradford Richard B Miller
Lee N Johnson Angela Beesley Bradford Richard B Miller Jennifer N. Espino Emily Stephens Cara Nebeker-Adams
Richard B Miller Lee N Johnson
Lee N Johnson Richard B Miller
Lee N Johnson Richard B Miller
Erica Delgado Bailey Selland Lee N Johnson
Richard B Miller Lee N Johnson
Lee N Johnson Angela Beesley Bradford Richard B Miller
Richard B Miller Lee N Johnson Scott A. Ketring Rachel B. Tambling Shayne R Anderson Megan Oka Scott C Huff Kayla D. Mennenga
Bryan Kubrick Richard B Miller Li-Ping Su Lee N Johnson Scott A Ketring Rachel B Tambling
Jeremy B Yorgason Lee N Johnson
Scott C Huff Shayne R Anderson Rachel B Tambling Megan Oka Lee N Johnson Scott A Ketring Richard B Miller
Megan Oka Lee N Johnson Scott A Ketring Cameron Brown Rebecca Goodman Mennenga D Kayla
Lee N Johnson Mennenga D Kayla Oka Megan Rachel B Tambling Shayne R Anderson
Oka Megan Lee N Johnson L Haggan Rachel B Tambling Shayne R Anderson
Pei-Fen Li Lee N Johnson Bertrana Abrams
Scott A, Ketring Lee N Johnson Rachel B. Tambling Megan Oka Shayne R. Anderson Richard B Miller
Lee N Johnson James M Harper Jennifer Hodgson
Kayla D Mennenga Allison Ellsworth Lee N Johnson