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Loren Marks

School of Family Life, Family Life

2092C JFSB - Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602


Loren Marks joined the School of Family Life in 2015, after 13 years at LSU. Marks received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from BYU, and his Ph.D. from the University of Delaware. He has centered his research efforts on religion and families, and has published several related articles or chapters, as well as the book Sacred Matters (with Wes Burr and Randy Day). His research on families has received national media attention from outlets including The New York Times, The Washington Times, The Boston Globe, and The Wall Street Journal. He has twice been nominated for the national Carnegie (CASE) Professor of the Year Award—in 2011 and 2014. He is Co-Director (with Dr. David Dollahite) of the American Families of Faith Project that includes 200 Christian, Jewish, and Muslim families from all eight regions of the United States. Loren served a two-year LDS mission in Wisconsin (1991-1993). His LDS Church service over the past twenty years has been primarily with the youth. Loren and his wife, Sandra Martindale Marks, married in 1995 and are the parents of five dynamic children—Mishonne, Logan, Haley Renee, Denton, and Aliyah.

Research Interests

Religion and Families, Strong African American Families, and Qualitative Research Methods

Teaching Interests

Marriage, Parent-Child Relationships, Religion, and Qualitative Research Methods

Honors and Awards

  • 2019 Outstanding Teaching Award, BYU School of Family Life (2019 - Present)

Courses Taught


David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks Heather H. Kelley David C Dollahite Spencer L James Loren Dean Marks Heather Howell Kelley Y. Lee Ashley Brooks LeBaron Black David C Dollahite Spencer L James Loren Dean Marks T. Hall Heather H. Kelley Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks Heather Howell Kelley Trevan G Hatch Loren Dean Marks Christoffer L Loderup Joshua E Timmons Elisabeth R Kimball E Jeffrey Hill Loren D Marks Ashley B LeBaron David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite Trevan G Hatch Loren Dean Marks Trevan G Hatch Loren Dean Marks Heather Howell Kelley Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite E. R. Kimball Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite Chelom Eastwood Leavitt Heather Howell Kelley Rebecca W. Clarke Chelom Eastwood Leavitt David B. Allsop Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks Loren Dean Marks Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks Chelom Eastwood Leavitt David B. Allsop Amber A. Price Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks Brian J. Willoughby Loren D. Marks David C. Dollahite David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite David C Dollahite Joe M Chelladurai Heather H Kelley Loren Dean Marks Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite Greg Wurm David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks Antonius D. Skipper Loren Dean Marks T.J. Moore David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks Loren Dean Marks Antonius D. Skipper Loren Dean Marks T.J. Moore David C Dollahite Betsy H. Barrow David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks David B. Allsop Chelom E. Leavitt Rebecca W. Clarke Shayla M. Driggs Joanna B. Gurr Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite Chelom E. Leavitt David B. Allsop Rebecca W. Clarke Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite Andrew Rose Shayne R Anderson Richard B Miller Loren Dean Marks T G Hatch Ashley B. LeBaron Loren Dean Marks Christina M. Rosa Edward Jeffrey Hill Ashley B LeBaron Loren D Marks Christina M Rosa E Jeffrey Hill David C Dollahite Loren D Marks Alyssa Banford Witting Ashley B LeBaron Kaity P Pearl Young Joe M Chelladurai Loren Dean Marks Trevan G Hatch David C Dollahite Andrew Rose Joe M. Chelladurai David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite Trevan G Hatch Michael A Goodman Tommy M Phillips Alyssa Jane Banford Witting J. (none) Lambert Betsy H. Barrow Jason Brown Whiting R. (none) Hartshorn Loren Dean Marks T. (none) Wickrama S. (none) Thanigaseelan Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks Alyssa Jane Banford Witting Ashley B. LeBaron Kaity P. Young Joe M. Chelladurai Loren Dean Marks T. J. Moore Antonius Skipper Andrew Rose Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks Ashley T. Spencer Loren D. Marks David C. Dollahite D. C. Dollahite Loren Dean Marks K. P. *Babcock B. H. *Barrow A. Rose A. Rose S. Anderson R. Miller Loren Dean Marks T. *Hatch N. Card Andrew Rose Shayne R Anderson Richard B Miller Loren Dean Marks Trevan Hatch Noel Card Ashley B LeBaron Samuel Runyan Bryce L Jorgensen Loren D Marks Xiaohui Li E Jeffrey Hill Hilary D. Poppert David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks Loren D. Marks David C. Dollahite Loren Dean Marks C. M. Rosa A. B. *LeBaron E. J. Hill Loren D Marks Christina M Rosa Ashley B LeBaron-Black E Jeffrey Hill Heather H Kelley Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite B. L. Jorgensen D. B. *Allsop S. D. *Runyan B. Wheeler D. A. Evans Loren Dean Marks Loren D. Marks David C. Dollahite Jeffrey P. Dew A. B. LeBaron C. M. *Rosa Loren Dean Marks E. J. Hill David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks Betsy H. Barrow Joe M. Chelladurai David C. Dollahite Loren D. Marks Chelom Eastwood Leavitt David B. Allsop Rebecca W. Clarke Loren Dean Marks David C. Dollahite Heather H Kelley Ashley B LeBaron David C Dollahite Loren D Marks David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks Heather H. Kelley Ashley B. LeBaron Loren Dean Marks David C. Dollahite Loren D. Marks T. J. Moore Antonius (None) Skipper Andrew (None) Rose Trevan G Hatch Loren D. Marks Trevan G Hatch Loren Dean Marks Christoffer L. Loderup J. E. Timmons Elisabeth R. Kirchner Edward Jeffrey Hill Loren D. Marks Ashley B. LeBaron Loren D. Marks David C. Dollahite David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks K. P. Babcock B. H. Barrow A. H. Rose David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks Greg Wurm Loren Dean Marks D. Dollahite K. P. Young Z. Alghafli T. G. Hatch A. Rose M. M. AboZena Loren Dean Marks D. C. Dollahite Joe M. Chelladurai David C. Dollahite Loren D. Marks Katie E. Cherry L. Sampson S. Galea L. D. Marks K. E. Stanko P. F. Nezat K. H. Baudoin Katie E. Stanko K. E. Cherry L. D. Marks L. Sampson L. *Ryker B. *Barrios R. Anderson S. Sanchez K. Allen Ashley B LeBaron Christina M Rosa-Holyoak L. Ashley Bryce Edward Jeffrey Hill Loren Dean Marks Ashley B LeBaron Edward Jeffrey Hill Christina M Rosa Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks Hilary Dalton David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks Kaity P Young Loren Dean Marks Trevan G Hatch David C Dollahite Hilary Dalton David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks Taleah M Kear Brittany M Lewis Megan L Stokes David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks Heather H Kelley Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite Michael A Goodman Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite Michael A Goodman Antonius Skipper Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks Heather H Kelley Loren D Marks David Dollahite Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite Trevan G Hatch Michael A Goodman Thomas Phillips Loren Marks Loren Marks Y. Lu K. Cherry Trevan Hatch Loren Marks Trevan Hatch Y. Lu K. Cherry Trevan Hatch K. Cherry K. L. Kytola Y. Lu Loren Marks Trevan Hatch K. Cherry Y. Lu Loren Marks K. L. Kytola K. E. Cherry Loren Marks Trevan G Hatch B. A. Lyon P. F. Nezat K. E. Cherry Loren Marks K. Cherry Loren Marks R. Adamek B. Lyon


Justin J. Hendricks Joe M. Chelladurai Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite
Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite Heather H. Kelley
David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks Heather H. Kelley
David B Allsop Chelom E Leavitt S Driggs Rebecca Clarke Loren D Marks David C Dollahite
Hilary Dalton David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks
Loren Dean Marks Christina M. Rosa Ashley B. LeBaron Edward Jeffrey Hill
David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks
Christina M. Rosa Loren Dean Marks Ashley B. LeBaron Edward Jeffrey Hill
Hilary Dalton David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks
Betsy H Barrow David C Dollahite Loren Dean Marks
Ashley A Tuft Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite
Hilary Dalton Loren Dean Marks David C Dollahite
David C Dollahite Hilary Dalton Loren Dean Marks