Mike Searcy is currently researching the Casas Grandes tradition (AD 700-1450), which flourished in the northwestern portion of Chihuahua, Mexico, and the international four corners region. He is also conducting research on the Fremont, who lived in the eastern Great Basin/northwestern Colorado Plateau from approximately AD 400-1300. Other research interests and activities include the use of UAVs (drones), ancient DNA analysis, social theory, developing new technologies for archaeological applications, ethnoarchaeology, paleoethnobotany, ceramic and iconographical analysis.
Pailes, Matthew, and Michael T. Searcy
2022 Hinterlands to Cities: The Archaeology of Northwest Mexico and its Vecinos
Searcy, Michael T.
2011 The Life-Giving Stone: Ethnoarchaeology of Maya Metates
Searcy, Michael T., Kimball Banks, and Sam Jensen
2024 Improve Your Employability: Insider Tips on Cultural Resource Management (CRM) Sector Jobs
Searcy, Michael T., Todd Pitezel, and Steve Swanson
2024 Envisioning Natural and Built Environments as Sacred Landscapes in Prehistoric Casas Grandes, Mexico. In Sacred Southwestern Landscapes: Archaeologies of Religious Ecology
Ortiz-Cano, Hector, Robert Hadfield, Teresa Gomez, Kevin Hultine, Ricardo Mata-Gonzalez, Steven Petersen, Neil Hansen, Michael T. Searcy, Jason Stetler, Teodoro Cervantes Mendivil, David Burchfield, Pilman Park, J. Ryan Stewart
2023 Ecological-niche Modeling Reveals Current Opportunities for Agave Dryland Farming in Sonora, Mexico and Arizona, USA
Searcy, Michael T., Hannah Steffensen, and Scott Ure
2022 Fremont Smoke Mixtures: Botanical Analyses of Pipes from Wolf Village, Goshen, Utah
Ortiz-Cano, Hector, Jose Antonio Hernandez-Herrera, Neil Hansen, Steven Peterson, Michael T. Searcy, Ricardo Mata-Gonzalez, Teodoro Cervantes-Mendívil, Antonio Villanueva-Morales, Pilman Park, J. Ryan Stewart
2020 Pre-Columbian Rock Mulching as a Strategy for Modern Agave Cultivation in Arid Marginal Lands.
Kelley, Jane H., and Michael T. Searcy
2018 Cultura Chihuahua al Sur del Área de Casas Grandes. In La Cultura Casas Grandes
Searcy, Michael T., and Todd Pitezel
2018 An Ethnoarchaeological Perspective on Ground Stone Production at the Santiago Quarry in the Casas Grandes Region of Chihuahua, Mexico
Searcy, Michael T.
2018 Drones
King, Daniel J., Michael T. Searcy, Chad L. Yost, and Kyle Waller
2017 Corn, Beer, and Marine Resources at Casas Grandes, Mexico: An Analysis of Prehistoric Diets Using Microfossils Recovered from Dental Calculus
Gutierrez, Gerardo, and Michel T. Searcy
2016 Introduction to the UAV Special Edition
Searcy, Michael T. (Director/Writer)
2012 Mining on the Swell
Searcy, Michael T. and Zac Davis (Directors)
2009 Starvation Doctrine: The Plight of Illegal Immigrants in America
Visit Searcy's Academia.edu