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Roy Bean

Associate Professor
School of Family Life, Family Life

257 TLRB
Provo, UT 84602

Research Interests

Parent-Adolescent Relationships in Ethnically Diverse Families
Cultural competence with Latino Families in Therapy
Spanish Translations of Psycho-social Assessments

Teaching Interests

Cross-Cultural Human and Family Development (SFL 354)
Research Practicum (SFL 403R/PSYCH 430R)
Gender and Ethnicity in Family Therapy (MFT 654)
Clinical Practicum (MFT 655R)
Advanced Clinical Practicum (MFT 755R)
Family and Multi-Generational Therapy (MFT 653)
Supervision in Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT 750)
Supervision of Supervision in MFT (MFT 760)


Administrative Assignments

  • Marriage and Family Therapy Programs (MS and PhD): Other (Move to BYU Citizenship?) (2023 - 2024)
  • Marriage and Family Therapy Programs (MS and PhD): Other (Move to BYU Citizenship?) (2012 - 2015)


  • Utah Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (2006 - 2024)
  • American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (1997 - 2024)

Courses Taught


Aliceann Crandall E. A. Davis G. C. Bradford Brianna Michele Magnusson Carl L Hanson Michael D Barnes Maria Lelinneth Lagman Beloy Novilla Roy A Bean Edward Jeffrey Hill David B. Allsop Ashley B. LeBaron Roy A Bean Laura Padilla Padilla-Walker Ashley M. Fraser Brent C. Black Roy A Bean Roy A Bean Sean Davis Maureen Davey Richard B Miller Nalu Nunes Roy A Bean Randal D Day Cody Hollist Roy A Bean Steven M Harris Laura Padilla Padilla-Walker Roy A Bean Alex L Hsieh Laura Padilla Padilla-Walker James M Harper Roy A Bean Brian K. Barber Roy A Bean Lance David Erickson


Ashley B. LeBaron Erin Kramer Holmes Edward Jeffrey Hill Roy A Bean
David B. Allsop Edward Jeffrey Hill Ashley B. LeBaron Roy A Bean
Lexie Pfeiffer Richard B Miller David Allen Nelson Roy A Bean
D Russell Crane Roy A Bean Jonathan G Sandberg