As a clinical scholar, my goal is to use my research to improve the practice and outcome of couple therapy. To this end, my research focuses on (1) identifying common predictors and mediators of change across different models of therapy; and (2) improving assessment practices among couple and family therapists.
Angela Beesley Bradford
Lee N Johnson
Alyssa Jane Banford Witting
Shayne R Anderson
Shayne R Anderson
Abbie Charlesworth
Lee N Johnson
Selenga Gürmen
Shayne R Anderson
Shayne R Anderson
Lee N Johnson
Shayne R Anderson
Martino Gonzalez Rodriguez
Maria Calatrava
Jonathan G Sandberg
Andrea Osario
Shayne R Anderson
Lee N Johnson
Shayne R Anderson
Eloise Ribeiro
Ivana Borba
Shayne R Anderson
Meghan Cawley
Abbie Charlesworth
Ashley Christensen
Meg Owens
Sam Richardson
Carissa D'Aniello
Lee N Johnson
Shayne R Anderson
Anna Carr
Lee N Johnson
Shayne R Anderson
Eddie Orlowski
Mikki Friedlander
Shayne R Anderson
Lee N Johnson
Lee N Johnson
Shayne R Anderson
Martiño Rodríguez-Gonzalez
Shayne R Anderson
Angela Beesley Bradford
Lee N Johnson
Shayne R Anderson
Alyssa Jane Banford Witting
Celeste Esplin
Shayne R Anderson
Shayne R Anderson
Lee N Johnson
Edmund K Orlowski
Micki L
Lee N Johnson
Shayne R Anderson
Eddie Orlowski
Micki L Friedlander
Shayne R Anderson
Myrna Friedlander
Lee N Johnson
Edward Orlowski
Shayne R Anderson
Ragan Lybbert
Martiño Rodriguez-Gonzalez
Shayne R Anderson
Maria Calatrava
M Lafontaine
M Greenman
Antonio Osorio
Martiño Rodriguez-Gonzalez
Ragan Lybbert
Shayne R Anderson
Daniele Andrade
Carlos Santana
Maria Calatrava
Edmond Orlowski
Lee N Johnson
Shayne R Anderson
Myrna Friedlander
Shayne R Anderson
Lee N Johnson
Rachel R Tambling
Lee N Johnson
Shayne R Anderson
Kayla Dawn Mennenga
Micki Friedlander
Rachel Tambling
Shayne R Anderson
A Megale
M Xu
E Peterson
Anna Carr
Lee N Johnson
Shayne R Anderson
Ragan Ly
Martiño Rodríguez González
Shayne R Anderson
Shayne R Anderson
Lee N Johnson
Richard B Miller
Shayne R Anderson
David McConkie Erekson
Adam R Fisher
Shayne R Anderson
Bethany Hicken
Connor Barham
Connor Barham
Shayne R Anderson
Lee N Johnson
Shayne R Anderson
Shayne R Anderson
Lee N Johnson
Shayne R Anderson
Shayne R Anderson
Lee N Johnson
Shayne R Anderson
Shayne R Anderson
Shayne R Anderson
Lee N Johnson
Lee N Johnson
Angela Beesley Bradford
Christina Rosa Holyoak
AnnaLisa Carr
Shayne R Anderson
Andrea Parady
Brock Sumner
Shayne R Anderson
Rachel Tambling
Sami Simpson
Lee N Johnson
Shayne R Anderson
Sam Ryland
Emily Stephens
Alyssa Jane Banford Witting
Shayne R Anderson
Lee N Johnson
Scott Ketring
Rachel Tambling
Shayne R Anderson
Brock Sumner
Andrea Parady
Jason B. Whiting
Rachel Tambling
Andrea Parady
Shayne R Anderson
Lee N Johnson
Richard B Miller
Angela Beesley Bradford
Shayne R Anderson
Angela Beesley Bradford
Lee N Johnson
Shayne R Anderson
Julia Bernards
Shayne R Anderson
Erin Rackham
Rachel Tambling
Emily Stephens
Lee N Johnson
Shayne R Anderson
Shayne R Anderson
Erin Rackham
Rachel Tambling
Andrew R. Rose
Shayne R Anderson
Richard B Miller
Noel Card
Scott C Huff
Shayne R Anderson
Rachel B. Tambling
Kari Adamsons
Shayne R Anderson
Erin Rackham
Jeffry Hale Larson
Shayne R Anderson
Shayne R Anderson
Scott C Huff
Shayne R Anderson
Kari Adamsons
Kelly Romano
Klinck Melanie
Jenny Yee
Alex Fernandes
Shayne R Anderson
Rachel B Tambling
Kevin Hynes
Shayne R Anderson
Rachel B Tambling
Rachel B Tambling
Joy Heafner
Shayne R Anderson
Kerry Silva
Richard B Miller
Lee N Johnson
Scott A. Ketring
Rachel B. Tambling
Shayne R Anderson
Megan Oka
Scott C Huff
Kayla D. Mennenga
Shayne R Anderson
Scott Huff
Shayne R Anderson
Rachel Tambling
Kevin Hynes
M Selenga Gurmen
Shayne R Anderson
Rachel Tambling
Scott Huff
Shayne R Anderson
Rachel Tambling
Rachel Tambling
Shayne R Anderson
Shannon Freeman
Shayne R Anderson
Scott Huff
Rachel Tambling
Rachel Tambling
Alison G Wong
Shayne R Anderson
Lee Johnson
Kayla Mennenga
Megan Oka
Rachel Tambling
Shayne R Anderson
Scott Huff
Shayne R Anderson
Rachel Tambling
Scott Huff
Shayne R Anderson
Rachel Tambling
Andrew Rose
Shayne R Anderson
Scott Huff
Rachel Tambling
Scott Huff
Shayne R Anderson
Rachel Tambling
Scott Ketring
Lee Johnson
Rachel Tambling
Megan Oka
Shayne R Anderson
Rick Miller
M Selenga Gurmen
Alyssa Banford
Emily Webster
Shayne R Anderson
Rachel Tambling
Scott Huff
Shayne R Anderson
Rachel Tambling
Rachel Tambling
Shayne R Anderson
Scott C Huff
Shayne R Anderson
Rachel Tambling
Rachel Tambling
Shayne R Anderson
Rachel Tambling
Alison Wong
Shayne R Anderson
Nicole Scrivano
Kerry Silva
Rachel Tambling
Shayne R Anderson
Alyssa Banford
Shayne R Anderson
Rachel Tambling
Shayne R Anderson
Andrew Rose
Rachel Tambling
Alyssa Banford
Shayne R Anderson
Andrew Rose
Alyssa Banford
Rachel Tambling
Alyssa Banford
Shayne R Anderson
Rachel Tambling
Alison Gong
Kenna Thurston
Rachel Tambling
Shayne R Anderson
Kenna Thurston
Alison Wong
Shayne R Anderson
Rachel Tambling
Scott C Huff
Edwards L Lindsay
Shayne R Anderson
Kenna R Thurston
Alison G Wong
Shayne R Anderson
Rachel Tambling
Kirsten Smolskis
Stephen Anderson
Shayne R Anderson
Jennifer Tractenberg
Jessica Magnet
Shayne R Anderson
Rachel Tambling
Shayne R Anderson
Scott C Huff
Lindsay L Edwards
Shayne R Anderson
Ryan I Weerasuriya
Ryan E Petren
George B Templeton
Shayne R Anderson
Lee N Johnson
Shayne R Anderson
Amanda Pasciucco
Lee N Johnson
Scott Ketring
Shayne R Anderson
Louisa K Baker
Shayne R Anderson
Melanie B St. Germain
Stephen Anderson
Samit D. Bordelai
Matthew S Mutchler
Adam Davey
Ilene C Siegler
Peter Martin
Shayne R Anderson
MaryAnn Johnson
Dorothy Hausman
Leonard Poon
George B Templeton
Shayne R Anderson
Megan Goodwin
Natalie Owens
Nicole M Childs
Lee N Johnson