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Arden Pope

Economics, Dean's Office

2102 WVB - Brigham Young University


C. Arden Pope, III is the Mary Lou Fulton Professor of Economics at Brigham Young University. He received his Ph.D. from Iowa State University (1981), was a Fellow at the Harvard school of Public Health (Environmental Health and Public Policy, 1992/93), and is an Honorary Fellow of the American College of Chest Physicians (FCCP Hon, 2008). He has taught and conducted research dealing with various natural resource and environmental issues. He has collaborated on a series of seminal studies on the human health effects of air pollution. He has also played prominent roles in reviewing and interpreting the literature and is one of the world's most cited and recognized experts on the health effects of air pollution. He has served on various scientific advisory, editorial, and oversight panels, boards, and committees, including U.S. EPA Science Advisory Board and chair of the U.S. EPA Advisory Council on Clean Air Compliance Analysis. He has also been the recipient of honors and awards including: Thomas T. Mercer Joint Prize from the American Association for Aerosol Research and the International Society for Aerosols in Medicine (2001); Utah Governor's Medal for Science & Technology (2004); BYU Distinguished Faculty Lecturer Award (2006); and Gardner Prize, Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters (2014).


  • IPH Fellow, Environ. Health & Public Policy , Harvard University (1993)
  • MS, ECONOMICS , Iowa State University (1981)
  • PhD, ECONOMICS , Iowa State University (1981)
  • BS, AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS , Brigham Young University (1978)

Honors and Awards

  • University Professorship, Brigham Young University (2022 - Present)
  • Sponsored Research Recognition Award, Brigham Young University (2020 - Present)
  • Highly Cited Researcher, Clarivate Web of Science (2018 - 2022)
  • Martin B. Hickman Outstanding Scholar, CFHSS, Brigham Young University (2017 - 2017)
  • Gardner Prize, Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters (2014 - 2014)
  • Best Research Paper Award, International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (2010 - 2010)
  • David Bates Lecture Recipient, Institute for Heart and Lung Health (2008 - 2008)
  • Honorary Fellow Award, American College of Chest Physicians (2008 - 2008)
  • Karl G. Maeser Distinguished Faculty Lecturer, Brigham Young University (2006 - 2006)
  • Medal for Science & Technology, Utah Governor (2004 - 2004)
  • Tomas T. Mercer Joint Prize, The American Association for Aerosol Research and The International Society for Aerosols in Medicine (2001 - 2001)
  • Sigma Xi Lecturer Award, Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society, BYU (2000 - 2000)
  • Clarence Olds Sappington Memeorial Lecturer, American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (1997 - 1997)
  • Karl G. Maeser, Excellence in Research and Creative Arts Award, Brigham Young University (1995 - 1995)
  • Creative Achievement Award, College of Biology and Agriculture, BYU (1986 - 1986)

Administrative Assignments

  • : Associate Dean (2009 - 2012)

Courses Taught


Clive Arden Pope Douglas W. Dockery Clive Arden Pope Joshua S. Apte Shahid P. Baba Alok R. Amraotkar David Hoetker Hong Gao Daniel Gomes Jingjing Zhao Michael F. Wempe Peter J. Rice Andrew P. DeFilipps Shesh N. Rai Clive Arden Pope Aruni Bhatnagar Timothy E. O'Toole Zachari A. Pond Carlos S. Hernandez Peter J. Adams Spyros N. Pandis George R. Garcia Allan L. Robinson Julian D. Marshall Richard T. Burnett Ksakousti Skyllakou Paublo Garcia Rivera Elina Karnezi Carver J. Coleman Clive Arden Pope Richard T. Burnett Joseph V. Spadaro George R. Garcia CLIVE Arden POPE Carver J. Coleman Daniel J. McDonough Zachary C. Pope Clive Arden Pope Nicholas L. Mills Clive Arden Pope Zachari A. Pond Provat K. Saha Carver J. Coleman Albert A. Presto Allan L. Robinson CLIVE Arden POPE Carver J. Coleman Ray A. Yeager Zachari A. Pond Daniel W. Riggs Aruni Bhatnagar Clive Arden Pope Clive Arden Pope Zachari A. Pond Carlos S. Hernandez Peter J. Adams Spyros N. Pandis George R. Garcia Allen L. Robinson Julian D. Marshall Richard Burnett Ksakousti Skyllakou Pablo Garcia Rivera Eleni Karnezi Carver J. Coleman Clive Arden Pope Nathan C. Coleman Majid Ezzati Julian D. Marshall Allen L. Robinson Richard T. Burnett C. Arden Pope Carver J. Coleman Ray A Yeager Daniel W. Riggs Nathan C. Coleman George R. Garcia Aruni Bhatnagar CLIVE Arden POPE Carver J. Coleman Ray A. Yeager Zachari A. Pond Daniel W. Riggs Aruni Bhatnagar CLIVE Arden POPE Sun-Young Kim CLive Arden Pope Julian D. Marshall Neal Fann Lianne Sheppard George R. Garcia Nathan Coleman Zachary A. Pond C. Arden Pope Nathan C Coleman Richard T Burnett Joshua D Higbee Jacob S Lefler Ray M Merrill Majid Ezzati Julian D Marshall Sun-Young Kim Matthew Bechle Allen Robinson Clive Arden Pope Joshua D. Higbee Jacob S. Lefler Richard Burnett Majid Ezzati Julian D. Marshall Sun-Young Kim Matthew Bechle Allen L Robinson C. Arden Pope Clive Arden Pope Nathan C Coleman Zachari A Pond Richard T Burnett Judy Y. Ou Heidi A. Hanson Joemy M. Ramsay Heydon K. Kaddas C. Arden Pope Claire L. Leiser James VanDerslice Anne C. Kirchhoff Nathan C. Coleman Richard T. Burnett Majid Ezzati Julian D. Marshall Allen L. Robinson C. Arden Pope Judy Ou Cheryl S. Pirozzi Benjamin D. Horne Heidi A. Hanson Anne C. Kirchhoff Logan E. Mitchell Nathan C. Coleman C. Arden Pope Michelle C. Turner Zorana J. Andersen Andrea Baccarelli W. Ryan Diver Susan M. Gapstur C. Arden Pope Diddier Prada Jonathan Samet George Thurston Aaron Cohen Timothy E. O'Toole Alok A. Amraotkar Andrew P. DeFilippis Shesh N. Rai Rachel J. Keith Shahid P. Baba Pawel Lorkiewicz Catherine E. Crandell Gina L. Pariser Christopher J. Wingard C. Arden Pope Aruni Bhatnagar Sumil K. Thakrar Srinidhi Balasubramanian Peter J. Adams Ines M.L. Azevedo Nicholas Z. Muller Spyros N. Pandis Stephen Polasky C. Arden Pope Allen L. Robinson Joshua S. Apte Christopher W. Tessum Julian D. Marshall Jason D. Hill Yuzhou Wang Matthew J. Bechle Sun-Young Kim Peter J. Adams Spyros N. Pandis C. Arden Pope Allen L. Robinson Lianne Sheppard Adam A. Szpiro Julian D. Marshall Douglas W Dockery Clive Arden Pope Jacob S Lefler Joshua D Higbee Richart T Burnett Majid Ezzati Nathan C Coleman Dalton D Mann Julian D Marshall Matthew Bechle Yuzhou Wang Allen L Robinson Clive Arden Pope Clive Arden Pope Aruni Bhatnagar C. A Pope Jacob S Lefler Majid Ezzati Joshua D Higbee Julian D Marshall Sun-Young Kim Matthew Bechle Kirtis S Gilliat Spencer E Vernon Allen L Robinson Richard T Burnett James E Bennett Helen Tamura-Wicks Robbie M Parks Richard T Burnett Clive Arden Pope Matthew J Bechle Julian D Marshall Goodarz Danaei Majid Ezzati Clive Arden Pope Judy Y Ou Heidi A Hanson Joemy M Ramsay Claire L Leiser Yue Zhang James A VanDerslice Clive Arden Pope Anne C Kirchhoff S R Nayebare O S Aburizaiza A Siddique D O Carpenter C Arden Pope H M Mirza J Zeb A J Aburizaiza H A Khwaja J S Apte Michael Brauer Aaron J Cohen M Ezzati C. Arden Pope C. Arden Pope Aaron J Cohen Richard T. Burnett R T Burnnet H Chen M Szyszkowicz N. Fann B Hubble C Arden Pope et al. Francesca Dominici Yun Wang Andrew W Correia Majid Ezzati Clive Arden Pope Douglas W Dockery Clive Arden Pope Maureen Cropper Jay Coggins Aaron Cohen Clive Arden Pope Michelle C Turner Richard T Burnett Michael Jerrett Susan M Gapstur W Ryan Diver Daniel Krewski Robert D Brook H H Shin S Cakmak O Brion P Villeneuve M C Turner M S Goldberg M Jerrett H Chen Clive Arden Pope P Peters D Crouse Richart T Burnett M C Turner Aaron Cohen Michael Jerrett Susan M Gapstur W Ryan Diver Clive Arden Pope Daniel Krewski B S Beckerman Jon M Samet Richard T Burnett Clive Arden Pope Majid Ezzati Casey Olives Stephen S Lim Sumi Mehta Hwashin H Shin Gitanjali Singh Bryan Hubbell Michael Brauer H Ross Anderson Kirk R Smith John R Balmes Nigel G Bruce Haidong Kan Francine Laden Annette Pruss-Ustun Michelle C Turner Susan M Gapstur W Ryan Diver Aaron Cohen Douglas W Dockery Clive Arden Pope George D. Thurston Kazuhiko Ito Ramona Lall Richard T Burnett Michelle C. Turner Daniel Krewski Yuanli Shi Michael Jerrett Susan M. Gapstur W. Ryan Diver Clive Arden Pope Michael Jettett Richard T. Burnett Bernardo S. Beckerman Michelle C. Turner Daniel Krewski George Thurston Randall V. Martin Aaron van Donkelaar Edward Hughes Yuanli Shi Susan M. Gapstur Michael J. Thun Clive Arden Pope Clive Arden Pope Majid Ezzati Douglas W. Dockery Andrew W. Correia Clive Arden Pope Douglas W. Dockery Yun Wang Majid Ezzati Francesca Dominici Stephen S. Lim Approx. 200 coauthors Clive Arden Pope Christopher J.L. Murray Approx. 350 coauthors Clive Arden Pope Rafael Lozano Approx. 200 coauthors Clive Arden Pope Theo Vos Approx 350 coauthors Clive Arden Pope Victor C. Van Hee Clive Arden Pope Michelle C. Turner Daniel Krewski Yue Chen Clive Arden Pope Susan M. Gapstur Michael J. Thun Michelle C. Turner Daniel Krewski Yue Chen Clive Arden Pope Susan M. Gapstur Michael J. Thun Dan L. Crouse Paul A. Peters Aaron van Donkelaar Mark S. Goldberg Paul J. Villeneuve Orly Brion Saeeda Khan Dominic O. Atari Michael Jerrett Clive Arden Pope Michael Brauer Jeffrey R. Brook Randall V. Martin David Stieb Richard T. Burnett Clive Arden Pope Michelle C Turner Daniel Krewski Clive Arden Pope Yue Chen Susan M Gapstur Michael J Thun Clive Arden Pope Richard T Burnett Michelle C Turner Aaron Cohen Daniel Krewski Michael Jerrett Susan S Gapster Michael J Thun Clive Arden Pope Robert D Brook Richard T Burnett Douglas W Dockery Michelle C Turner Daniel Krewski Yue Chen Clive Arden Pope Susan Gapsur Michael J Thun Clive Arden Pope Jaron C Hansen Roman Kuprov Matthew D. Sanders Michael N. Anderson Delbert J Eatough Robert D Brook Sanjay Rajagopalan Clive Arden Pope Jeffrey R Brook Aruni Bhatnagar Ana Diez-Rouz Fernando Holguin Yuling Hong Russell V Luepker Murray Mittleman Anette Peters David Siscovick Sidney C Smith Laurie Whitsel Joel D Kaufman Clive Arden Pope Majid Ezzati Douglas W. Dockery Clive Arden Pope Joseph B. Muhlestein Heidi T. May Dale G. Renlund Jeffery L. Anderson Benjamin D. Horne Clive Arden Pope Richard T. Burnett George D. Thurston Clive Arden Pope Richard T. Burnett Michael J. Thun Eugenia E. Calle Daniel Krewski Kazuhiko Ito George D. Thurston


Clive Arden Pope
Clive Arden Pope
Clive Arden Pope
Clive Arden Pope
Clive Arden Pope
Clive Arden Pope
Clive Arden Pope
Michael R Ransom Clive Arden Pope
Clive Arden Pope
Clive Arden Pope